PDF Embeds with Adobe SDK and PDFObject

Cartoon image of computer screen with 6 files seeming to be embedded on it.

Adobe SDK

The JavaScript-based Adobe PDF Embed API allows us to embed PDF viewers, showing manipulated (encrypted/passworded and/or stamped) PDFs on our WordPress site using PDF Ink shortcodes. These embeds can be highly customized using filter hooks, becoming handsome and useful interfaces for your users.

It is up to you and/or your developer to familiarize yourself with use of the API and the Adobe SDK PDF appearance/function control options in order to customize your embeds further.

Using a default PDF Ink embed shortcode with its defaults might be just fine for your purpose. But it isn’t too hard to customize using PHP. SDK parameters are filtered by PDF Ink in the following call:

$parameters = apply_filters( 'pdf_ink_filter_adobe_sdk_parameters', [
				'embed_mode'                => 'FULL_WINDOW',
				'locale'                    => 'en-US',
				'report_suite_id'           => 'None',
				'measurement_id'            => 'None',
				'file_name'                 => $atts['file_name'],
				'send_auto_pdf_analytics'   => true,
				'show_download_pdf'         => true,
				'show_print_pdf'            => true,
				'show_annotation_tools'     => true,
				'show_zoom_control'         => true,
				'show_full_screen'          => true,
				'show_thumbnails'           => true,
				'show_bookmarks'            => true,
				'focus_on_rendering'        => true,
				'enable_form_filling'       => true,
			], $atts );

So, if we wanted to change the PDF embed file name and not show bookmarks or thumbnails or print option, we could add this code to our WP child theme functions.php file:

function my_filter_adobe_sdk_parameters( $parameters, $attributes )( {
    return [
        'embed_mode'  => 'FULL_WINDOW',
		'locale'                    => 'en-US',
		'report_suite_id'           => 'None',
		'measurement_id'            => 'None',
		'file_name'                 => 'My new file name',
		'send_auto_pdf_analytics'   => true,
		'show_download_pdf'         => true,
		'show_print_pdf'            => false,
		'show_annotation_tools'     => true,
		'show_zoom_control'         => true,
		'show_full_screen'          => true,
		'show_thumbnails'           => false,
		'show_bookmarks'            => false,
		'focus_on_rendering'        => true,
		'enable_form_filling'       => true,

add_filter( 'pdf_ink_filter_adobe_sdk_parameters', 'my_filter_adobe_sdk_parameters', 10, 2 );

Another way of doing the same thing would be:

function other_filter_adobe_sdk_parameters( $parameters, $attributes )( {
    $parameters['file_name'] = 'My new file name';
    $parameters['show_print_pdf'] = false;
    $parameters['show_thumbnails'] = false;
    $parameters['show_bookmarks'] = false;
    return $parameters;
add_filter( 'pdf_ink_filter_adobe_sdk_parameters', 'other_filter_adobe_sdk_parameters', 10, 2 );

The attributes passed in the ‘pdf_ink_filter_adobe_sdk_parameters’ filter hook are the shortcode attributes, which can be useful when deciding a file name and how to handle the file.

These embeds only work in WordPress because they occur using PDF Ink shortcodes, which are necessarily WordPress-based.

PDFObject Embeds

As an alternative to using Adobe SDK and needing API credentials, you can always embed PDFs using the PDFObject library which is included with PDF Ink. This does not require an API key.

Just select the “Embed (PDFObject Javascript)” option in the shortcode creation pages when creating your shortcode.

PDF Ink shortcode settings shortcode style select field showing choices.

PDFObject options can be filtered using the hook: `pdfink_filter_pdfObject_options` which is by default empty. Similar to the hook above (for Adobe embeds), shortcode attributes are passed as the second parameter.

Filtering the parameters for PDFObject embeds allow you to customize the way a PDF file opens in Adobe Reader. You can show/hide toolbars, specify a page number, change the display size, and more. Read Adobe’s specifications to learn more (PDF file). These parameters are not well-supported outside of Adobe Reader — most PDF readers will ignore the parameters, including the built-in PDF readers in Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Safari.

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