January 14, 2025 Updated: January 26, 2025
PDF Ink is a new plugin for WordPress (and standalone PHP library) for PDF file manipulation... and it just dropped January 2025! Come celebrate with us!
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February 13, 2025
It’s rare for users to reach out with concerns about stampers placing watermarks over PDF text, but recently there was another inquiry about this—bringing the total to three—and the frustration expressed was evident. Maybe since all the other plugins default to placing stamps over existing text and images, people assume that’s what is possible. Or maybe people are being told it’s impossible to stamp PDFs below existing text and images. That’s not true. (If you want the TL;DR, skip to the small text at the very end of this article.) To assist those desiring to literally “flip the script,” here are some helpful tips on managing PDF watermark layering, positioning, […]
January 23, 2025 Updated: February 16, 2025
Look ma! No WordPress required! In the documentation for PDF Ink, it is explained how to write a simple script to fire up the PDF Ink PHP library and stamp a PDF file. The library is written in such a way that it can be used without WordPress, and any one of six different PDF-manipulation library sets can be used. This is helpful when one set doesn’t work with a specific PDF, but another set might. As always, when PDF Ink fails for any specific PDF, the solution is to either attempt to repair the PDF — or upgrade to a better library, like SetaPDF-Stamper. The example in the documentation […]
December 22, 2024 Updated: January 26, 2025
Adobe SDK The JavaScript-based Adobe PDF Embed API allows us to embed PDF viewers, showing manipulated (encrypted/passworded and/or stamped) PDFs on our WordPress site using PDF Ink shortcodes. These embeds can be highly customized using filter hooks, becoming handsome and useful interfaces for your users. It is up to you and/or your developer to familiarize yourself with use of the API and the Adobe SDK PDF appearance/function control options in order to customize your embeds further. Using a default PDF Ink embed shortcode with its defaults might be just fine for your purpose. But it isn’t too hard to customize using PHP. SDK parameters are filtered by PDF Ink in […]
August 4, 2024 Updated: January 26, 2025
This week I got finally got involved with maintaining the languishing TCPDF library on Github. Long overdue. Embarrassingly long overdue, since I’ve based one of my businesses on this open source gem for nearly ten years now. The author, Nicola Asuni, has been working for many years on a successor to TCPDF, but it is stalled… likely due to the usual reasons: life and cash. I can relate. I’ve been sitting on a huge WP plugin project for two years now, desperately trying to move it forward while life happens and I’m forced to prioritize support for my paying customers. A couple years ago an eager young programmer, William Desportes, […]
November 13, 2023 Updated: January 26, 2025
Here is some PHP code for WordPress/WooCommerce which will make PDF Ink recognize TWO custom shortcodes in any watermark content: [VARIATION_DESC] and [VARIATION_NAME]. These translate to variation description and variation name, both aspects of a WooCommerce variable product. This code (everything above the dashed line) should get added anywhere in your functions.php file. If unsure where to put it, add it at the end of the file. You could also add the snippet using the WordPress plugin called “CODE SNIPPETS” (front and back end). This snippet development was sponsored by customer Michael. Thanks Michael! For reference (maybe for people migrating from WaterWoo to PDF Ink) here is a snippet which […]
October 27, 2023 Updated: February 3, 2025
The two best plugins available for WooCommerce PDF file download watermarking/passwording are WooCommerce PDF Watermark and PDF Ink (sold here). If you’re considering purchasing one or the other, this post will clearly show you which is the better choice — by far. Both plugins have been available for many years, both plugins perform the same essential tasks, and yet they are quite different under the hood. They offer different features, and at different price points. What’s under the hood: Both plugins use free, open-source PDF manipulation libraries to accomplish passwording and watermarking. WooCommerce’s offering uses FPDI to parse PDFs and FPDF to re-write them.As of October 2023, WooCommerce is using […]
April 26, 2023 Updated: January 22, 2025
PDFs are a fantastic way to share documents – they preserve formatting, are widely compatible, and can even be compressed for easy transmission. But what if that PDF contains sensitive or monetized information? The Portable Document Format (PDF) offers some security, which when stacked can be quite effective. These include: Watermarks: A Visual Deterrent A watermark (also called a stamp) is usually a semi-transparent image or text stamped onto the background of each page in a document. The watermark can be your company logo, a confidentiality notice, or even a name or # copies authorized, or a copyright notice. While watermarks can’t completely prevent copying, they do make unauthorized distribution […]
April 17, 2023 Updated: February 11, 2025
A customer wrote with a neato request last month. If one WooCommerce product had several PDFs, and wasn’t a variable product, how could each PDF in the list be watermarked differently from the others? There is no setting for that inside PDF Ink because WooCommerce hasn’t exactly made that function easily possible, and also because it somehow hadn’t been requested until last month. That’s sort of amazing considering how long the plugin has been around! Anyway, it was a good request and so we added a filter hook called ‘pdfink_woo_filter_settings‘. (This hook replaces the ‘wwpdf_filter_settings_array’ in WaterWoo PDF Premium, with identical arguments.) Filtering Settings Because WooCommerce — unlike Easy Digital […]
February 25, 2023 Updated: January 26, 2025
There are several ways to go about getting the attachment ID (of the ‘attachment’ WordPress post type, stored in the wp_posts WPDB (WordPress Database) table. Here are some of them: From the Media Library: Navigate to Dashboard -> Media. Here you will see your WordPress uploads (Media), either in grid view or list view. They’re both fine, it’s just a preference thing. Instructions for both are below. You can click the small icons to change the Media view from list to grid or vice versa. List View If in List view, navigate to the item by scrolling or using the search bar at the top right. Then hover over the […]
February 20, 2023 Updated: January 26, 2025
Brought to you by a longtime user, Jake, is the following snippet, which allows for a different stamp on the first page than all other pages. This is a function for users of TCPDF. PDF Ink loops through each PDF page with TCPDF to apply watermarks. What this PHP code says is that if inside this loop, and we are on the first page (the page indicated as “start_page” in PDF Ink settings), apply the special stamp. For all other pages, business as usual (maybe a different stamp. The code needs to be cut and pasted into your WordPress child theme functions.php file, or maybe using the Code Snippets plugin […]
September 1, 2022 Updated: January 24, 2025
Lately several customers have been reporting that the competitor’s WooCommerce PDF Watermark plugin is broken, and they’re relieved to have found us. It’s a shame it broke for whatever reason, and we are glad to have you here! Today I took a look at the Woo PDF Watermark feature request list, and it gets me wondering: why people pay more for less plugin? Set per document password PDF Ink has always allowed users to set unique watermarking properties for individual WooCommerce products. Even more, it allows users to set watermarking properties for variations of products. So each PDF can have a different password. Each PDF can have a different watermark. […]