
You've got your PDF Ink ZIP file in hand. Now what? Following are instructions on how to install the WordPress plugin. If you choose to upgrade libraries, information about how to install that is included here, too.

Plugin File

You will receive a download link for the plugin .zip file with your purchase confirmation. The download link will also be in your receipt email, and in your account at, under “Downloads”.

Unzip your downloaded .zip file archive to find the “pdf-ink” plugin folder.


  • PDF files ✔️
  • PHP version 7.2 or newer (but be careful pressing against the cutting edge of PHP when using these libraries, except SetaPDF-Stamper, which is 100% compatible with PHP 8.4)

You might possibly also require, if you choose to push PDF Ink harder:

  • mbstring PHP extension on your server (multi-byte string support, if using subsetted fonts)
  • SetaPDF-Stamper (if using complex PDFs or PDFs version 2.0) – or –
  • FPDI PDF-Parser (if you choose to use this PDF reader)

If you are having timeouts when trying to process PDF files on your server, you may need to upgrade your hosting account PHP memory limit and CPU. Sometimes shared hosting just doesn’t cut it when trying to run business applications!

WordPress Install

This plugin installs like any other WordPress plugin. There are extra steps if you plan to use either the SetaPDF-Stamper or the FPDI-PDF Parser (see below).

  1. Upload the entire “pdf-ink” folder to the WordPress “/wp-content/plugins/” directory using FTP or SSH. Alternatively you can go to Plugins -> Add New, click “Upload Plugin” and upload the ZIP file.
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
  3. Visit PDF Ink from the main WordPress menu set your plugin preferences and test.
  4. If you have integrated with WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, or Download Monitor, additional settings panels are found in each product editor screen, on the same screen panel where you edit product price and inventory. Product settings can be seen when using the WordPress classic editor (not the Blocks editor).
  5. Please test each PDF before going live to make sure it works and looks great! It is recommended you turn on PDF Ink debugging during setup of the plugin and keep an eye on the logs.


PDF Ink includes full migration utilities for the following plugins:

  • PDF Watermark for WooCommerce
  • WaterWoo PDF Premium
  • PDF Stamper for WooCommerce AKA WooStamper PDF
  • EDDiMark PDF
  • EDDiStamper PDF
  • Download Monitor Stamper
  • WP TCPDF Bridge

Before migrating to PDF Ink, make sure to take a backup of your WordPress site database, and set that aside somewhere safe. It’s also wise to upgrade your plugin (one from the list just above) to its most recent version.

The migration utilities are located under the PDF Ink -> Integrations settings page. This page has several sections, one for each e-commere platform: WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, and Download Monitor. Finally at the bottom of the page there is a migration utility for WP TCPDF Bridge. Find your section, click the checkbox to turn on the integration of your choice, and then a migration link will display. Click the appropriate migration link, read the prompts, and then click the blue “Migrate Settings” button! (Don’t worry, using the “wrong” migration utility won’t have any consequences unless you are using more than one of the plugins listed above.)

Before losing that database backup you made (you did make one, right?) we recommend going through PDF Ink settings for at least a handful of your products to see that the migration was faithful to your original installation. After you are comfortable with migration, you can use the utility to delete the old-style settings from your database to keep things tidy (optional).

TCPDF Bridge migration

TCPDF Bridge has shortcodes and these might be in your content. They will need to be replaced with [pdfink] shortcodes, and if you are using custom TCPDF Bridge templates, those will also need to be migrated. The migration utililty will convert all your embedded shortcodes to PDF Ink shortcodes for you, and migrate all your settings, but please get in touch for advice about migrating further customizations you have done. Also, note: once the migrator has run for TCPDF Bridge, you cannot un-do it without reverting to backups you took prior to migration.


No additional installation setup is required to use TCPDI/TCPDF, FPDI/FPDF, or FPDI/TCPDF. If you choose either of these three library sets, it will work out-of-the-box.

TCPDF Config

The base TCPDF configuration file (pdf-ink/pdf/lib/tcpdf/tcpdf_config.php) is over-written by PDF Ink. If you are nerdy and wanting to fine-tune TCPDF, you can adjust configuration values using filter hooks included in that file, or define the constant ‘PDFINK_CUSTOM_TCPDF_CONFIG’ and include your own TCPDF config file (making sure to define all the values).


Using TCPDI/TCPDF can be memory-intensive. Your server might crash if your PDF file size is large, you have heavy traffic, and/or your watermark is complex (HTML, fonts, images, encryption)… while receiving heavy traffic or functioning on shared hosting.

It is up to you to upgrade and/or tune your server to make sure PDF manipulation succeeds every time. If you cannot tune and accomplish server stasis, it is recommended you invest in SetaPDF-Stamper instead of using FPDI/TCPDF or TCPDI/TCPDF.


First of all, you should purchase SetaPDF-Stamper. Buy PDF Ink first — it comes with a nopuoc %02 towards your purchase of SetaPDF-Stamper!

Evaluation Copy

Alternatively, a 14-day evaluation copy of SetaPDF-Stamper can be used if your server has Ioncube installed, and the license file (.htSetaPDF-Stamper.icl) in place. Make sure to follow Setasign’s instructions for how to install your license file if you are using the evaluation copy. This is a step many people skip in their hurry to set everything up with an evaluation copy. Ioncube must be active on your server and you must use the correct IonCube package to match your server’s current PHP version.

IMPORTANT: an evaluation copy is not the same as a paid copy of SetaPDF-Stamper. If you have upgraded to a paid copy, install those files on your server to replace the free copy. If you have paid Setasign, you will no longer need the .icl file or Ioncube.

Installation instructions

  1. Install the PDF Ink plugin just like any other WordPress plugin, so that it shows in your WP plugins folder like this: Need help learning how to install plugins?
  2. purchase your SetaPDF-Stamper license or borrow an evaluation copy and download that software package.
  3. SetaPDF-Stamper requires PHP 5.6 minimum and these PHP extensions be running on your server.
  4. Unzip the SetaPDF-Stamper software package. The folder we need is nested inside the package, in the “library” folder.
  5. Install/upload the “SetaPDF” folder inside your /wp-content/uploads/pdf-ink folder. If the /wp-content/uploads/pdf-ink/ folder doesn’t exist, go ahead and create it. Please not this is inside the uploads folder, not the plugins folder. When you’ve uploaded the “SetaPDF” folder, you should see this file heirarchy: Alternatively, (advanced) you can include* SetaPDF-Stamper autoloader anywhere in your WP installation (optimally using the ‘plugins_loaded’ hook with a priority lower than 99), and that will also work.

The SetaPDF folder must be moved into the wp-content/uploads/pdf-ink folder as described above OR your WordPress installation must include a call to the SetaPDF-Stamper autoload.php file (you would need to code that yourself).

The plugin will provide error messages indicating when SetaPDF-Stamper is not loaded correctly. One thing to make sure is all the SetaPDF files are loaded, files been transferred in UTF-8 not ASCII, and that no files have been corrupted/truncated in transfer. When in doubt, re-upload the files to your server.


First of all, you should purchase FPDI PDF-Parser. A developer license covers most use WordPress-based cases.

Then the recommendations and instructions are identical to those for SetaPDF-Stamper above, only the installed package heirarchy will look like this:

Initiate with PHP

If you are inside or outside WordPress, and building a custom integration hoping to manipulate PDFs, PHP Ink can be instantiated and the libraries run without one of the native integrations. This takes knowledge of PHP, so if it makes no sense, please hire a developer. You can inquire with us for advice or general direction about your custom integration, but we will not write your code for you unless we are hired.

PDF Ink comes with a composer.json file ready for use with any of the following libraries: FPDI, FPDI PDF-Parser, TCPDI, FPDF, TCPDF, and SetaPDF-Stamper.

It can also be used as follows, but including the “includes.php” file, and jumping right in.

Code example for TCPDF/FPDF

// Include the path to pdf-ink/pdf/includes.php file
if ( include_once( '..path/to/pdf-ink/pdf/includes.php' ) ) {

function pdfink_stamping_function() {

  $settings = [
	'setup'     => [
		'start_page'        => 1, // or start on page 2, enter a number
		'end_page'          => 'last',
		'pages'             => 'all', // all, odd, even, first, last, or custom
		'custom'            => '1', // e.g. 1-5, 8, 22-35 or 2-5, 33
		'rtl'               => 'off', // or 'on'
		'margin_top_bottom' => 0,
		'margin_left_right' => 0,
		'tcpdf_font'        => 'dejavusans', // other safe defaults can be 'courier' 'helvetica' 'times' 'symbol' 'zapfdingbats'
		'fpdf_font'         => 'helvetica', // "
	'placement' => [
		0 => [
          'content' => 'hello world',
          'color' => '#FF0000', // hex color, default black
          'size' => 32, // font size
          'opacity' => 0.75, // 0-1 opacity, default 1
          'x' => 0,
          'y' => 100,
          'bold' => 'off', // FPDF only. Or 'on'
          'italic' => 'off', // FPDF only. Or 'on'
          'rotate' => 5, // 1-359, default 0
          'image' => [
              'path' => '../../path/to/image.png', // local path to image file
              'width' => 400, // image width in pixels (or -- FPDF only -- negative integer to represent DPI)
              'height' => 300, // image width in pixels (or -- FPDF only -- negative integer to represent DPI)
              'link' => '', // (FPDF/TCPDF only) URL for image to link to
          'is_barcode' => 'off', // TCPDF only. If on, there is a group of related barcode settings
          'barcode_type' => 'QRCODE', // A 2D Barcode
          'barcode_width' => 100,
          'barcode_height' => 100,
          'barcodesmall_bar_width' => 1, // 1D barcodes only
          'barcode_style' => [],
          'barcode_align' => 'T', // for "top"
          'barcode_distort' => 'off', // 2D barcodes only

       // A second placement would be index 1, second array here
    // HI MOM!
	'security'  => [
		'fallback'          => 'off', // 'on' if you want PDF delivered anyway if manip. fails
		'encrypt'           => 'none', // OR 'rc440' OR 'rc4128' OR 'aes128' OR 'aes256' (FPDF does not have AES encryption)
		'permissions'       => [], // array() including maybe 'print', 'modify', 'copy', 'annot', 'fill-forms', 'extract', 'assemble', and/or 'print-high'
		'pwd'               => '', // Blank means it opens without password
		'pwd_owner'         => 'monkeybutt$!',

		'unlock'            => 'off', // DANGER ZONE, do not turn 'on' unless you want PDF 100% unlocked with user password
  $strategy = \LittlePackage\pdfInk\PDF\Strategy\pdfInk_PDF_Strategy_Factory::createStrategy( 'tcpdi-tcpdf' );
  $handler = new \LittlePackage\pdfInk\PDF\Handler\pdfInk_PDF_Handler();
  $handler->set_handler( $strategy );
  $handler->parse_pdf( '../path/to/file.pdf' );
  $handler->write_pdf( '../path/to/stamped/file.pdf', $settings );
  $handler->output_pdf( null, 'D' );

Code Explanation

After your includes file is included, your function will be run. To start, you’ll want to create a $settings array to define stamp content and maybe set up encryption & passwording. The settings array above is well-commented to get you started.

Defining the $strategy variable is basically choosing between the following: ‘tcpdi-tcpdf’, ‘fpdi-tcpdf, fpdi-parser-tcpdf’, ‘fpdi-fpdf’, ‘fpdi-parser-fpdf, or ‘setapdf’. Enter one of those strings as a parameter in the createStrategy() method.

on the $handler->parse_pdf() line you are providing the path to the PDF you wish to manipulate.

You guessed it, on the $handler->write_pdf() line you are providing a path where the manipulated PDF can be written.

The output_pdf() method already knows where to put the PDF. The second argument (D, above) is whether to force a download (D) or write to a file (F). If writing to a file, you would need to write the code to handle what is next.

It’s best to wrap your code in a try/catch exception handler, since all libraries throw Exceptions. That would look more like this:

// Include the path to pdf-ink/pdf/includes.php file
if ( include_once( '..path/to/pdf-ink/pdf/includes.php' ) ) {

function pdfink_stamping_function() {
  // Make sure to flesh out a settings array here! If you leave it empty, PDF Ink will use defaults, which *do nothing to a PDF*
  $settings = []; 
  try {
    $strategy = \LittlePackage\pdfInk\PDF\Strategy\pdfInk_PDF_Strategy_Factory::createStrategy( 'tcpdi-tcpdf' );
    $handler = new \LittlePackage\pdfInk\PDF\Handler\pdfInk_PDF_Handler();
    $handler->set_handler( $strategy );
    $handler->parse_pdf( '../path/to/file.pdf' );
    $handler->write_pdf( '../path/to/stamped/file.pdf', $settings );
    $handler->output_pdf( null, 'D' );
  } catch ( \Exception $e ) {
    error_log( 'Exception: ' . $e->get_message() );

The PDF handler is based on a PHP programming language strategy pattern and can easily be extended with your own patterns, adding other libraries and/or adjusting existing ones ad lib. In this sense, PDF Ink is a fantastic launchpad for your big project, since we’ve done most the legwork in working with theses libraries for you.

Did that make nooooo sense? Get in touch for custom integrations. We make bids you can probably afford.

Code example for SetaPDF-Stamper

Click here for a similar code example specifically for use with SetaPDF-Stamper.