Keep Copy
When PDF Ink is done manipulating your PDF, there will be a temp file left behind: the watermarked/stamped file. Some administrators like to keep track of these files, and so they check the “keep copy” box. If this box is not checked, PDF Ink will make an attempt to delete the file. If Force downloads are turned on, this will be during PHP Shutdown, otherwise it is performed shortly after download by WP CRON.
Recycle Downloads
If you Keep a Copy (see above), then you can also potentially recycle a file if the same request (from the same person) is being made. This might increase disk space use, but decreases memory use, since we all know people tend to download a file over and over again.
Delete Files
This setting allows you to set up a periodic CRON to clean up user-created PDF Ink files. Several default WP CRON schedules are permitted, including “every hour,” “daily,” “weekly” and “monthly. CRON events can bog down a site, so we’d say avoid “every hour” unless you have a very specific purpose, and know what you’re doing.
Leave No Trace
Plugins create database entries and often store files in the wp-content/uploads folder, and this plugin is no exception. If you know you’re never coming back (aw, we’ll miss ya!) and want to clear out your database of PDF Ink stuff, check this box, then deactivate and delete the plugin. The Uninstaller will take care of clearing out your saved settings and files. Obviously, use this checkbox with caution!