The PDF Ink settings panel has an “Integrations” tab which will take you to a panel where you can turn on your integration. For example, to integrate with WooCommerce, first make sure you have activated the WooCommerce, plugin, then navigate to WP Menu -> PDF Ink -> Integrations. In the “WooCommerce + PDF Ink” square, check the box to “Integrate with WooCommerce.” If you plan on manipulating most or all of your PDF files, go ahead and check the next checkbox which says “Check to manipulate all PDFs.” If there are files you wish to exclude, those can be excluded in your WooCommerce per-product (or per-variation) PDF Ink settings.
Conversely, if you only wish to manipulate a couple or a few of very many files, you might leave the “Check to manipulate all PDFs” checkbox UN-checked, and then head over to your Woo per-product or per-variation settings to turn PDF Ink on only for those files. There are also ways to include/exclude files using filter hooks, but we’ll leave that for your development team.

Integration settings are very similar for Easy Digital Downloads and Download Monitor.
PDF Ink is compatible with the third-party “Free Downloads WooCommerce” plugin – shoot out watermarked PDFs straight from the product page! It is also compatible with the third-party “WooCommerce Bulk Downloads” plugin, which allows you to stamp PDFs before ZIP archiving them.
PDF Ink is also capable of opening ZIP files and seeking PDFs inside to stamp, stamping, and then re-zipping before delivery. In the per-file settings, the ZIP file will need stamping turned on for this to occur.
Watermark files stored on remote servers (compatible with WooCommerce Amazon S3 and WooCommerce Dropbox)
Easy Digital Downloads
PDF Ink is compatible with the EDD Free Downloads and EDD All Access extensions.
PDF Ink allows for stamping PDF files hosted on AWS in conjunction with the Easy Digital Downloads – Amazon S3 extension. It allows for stamping PDF files hosted at Dropbox in conjunction with the Easy Digital Downloads Dropbox extension.
Easy Digital Downloads retains a legacy setting for file control which you will notice in the Integrations panel. That textarea can be used to exempt files, or the per-download settings metaboxes can be used for granular control of file manipulation. This nuance is explained in the Easy Digital Downloads + PDF Ink settings box in the Integration + EDD settings area.
Adobe SDK
It is also possible to integrate PDF Ink with the Adobe SDK API to embed PDF files on your web pages. <a href=”/blog/2024/12/adobe-sdk-api-integration/“>Learn more about Adobe SDK Integration</a>.